Thursday 21 July 2011

My first ski field experience

On last Sunday we went to the Turoa ski field for a holiday. Chloe, Amber and their families went with us. Turoa ski field is near a town called Ohakune.We went there for tea and also meet up with Chloe and her family. After which we went up to the top of the mountain.

We had to put our warm clothes on first in the car. I had a pair of gloves from Kathmandu, and a pair of snow pants, and a beanie, and sunglasses. We found a place that we can play in . We slide down the snowy slope. I felt excited because it was my first experience sliding in the snow. It was windy and it rained. It was too cold for me and my toes hurt.

We went back down the mountain and checked in to the Chalet at Cordyline. Mum found the key to the door under the rubbish bin. We divided the rooms among ourselves. There was one for our family one for Amber's family and the last one for Chloe's family. We ate steamboat for dinner. I ate a lot of  food. We went to bed. Chloe and I shared a sofa bed in the living room. It was fun like a sleepover.

On Monday we went back up the mountain for another go at the ski field. It was sunny and hot. We slide down the snowy slope again and again. I got snow in my gloves many times and it was cold.

I really enjoy the trip I still want to go back up there again next winter.

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